Basic Instrument Rating
Training towards a Basic Instrument Rating (Theory Course and Practical Training)

Advantages of the Basic Instrument Rating
- Reduced effort for theory training (100% online course, which can be completed in approx. 2 weeks)
- No mandatory minimum training hours
- Theory exam is divided into three modules
- Optimized training through the use of non-approved flight simulators and your own aircraft in practical training possible
Pre-Entry Requirements
- EASA PPL or higher
- Medical Class 2 (with IR Check) oder higher
- ICAO Language Proficiency English minimum Level 4 (can be completed with us, more infos here)
- Unrestricted Radio License for IFR: AZF (can be completed with us)
Theoretical Knowledge Training/Theory Course
- Online Theory Course
- our course consists of 3 modules
- the course is 100% online, there is no mandatory attendance or on-site times
- the scope of the course is precisely tailored to the content of the BIR (usually the courses include the scope of the CB-IR, which makes the theory course unnecessarily long an extensive, and therefore time consuming).
- Time required to complete the theory course: 35 hours
- Preparation for the theoretical exam using question training databases
- After completion of the course and sufficient training for the theoretical exam at the authority: registration with the authority for the theoretical exam (either individual modules or combined)
Practical Training/Flight Training
- use of non-approved simulators/training devices is possible
- flight training can be done on your own aircraft (please get in touch for details)
- no minimum training hours
Comparison BIR - CB-IR
- BIR ist nur im Bereich der EASA gültig (z.b. kein USA, UK, …)
- BIR Wetterminima:
- Wolkenuntergrenze +200ft
- RVR 1500m
Upgrade Path: from BIR -> CB-IR
- Voraussetzung: 50h PIC IFR Zeit nach Erhalt des BIR
- 10h praktische Ausbildung an der ATO
- keine weitere Theorieprüfung
- Prüfungsflug mit einem Examiner